SEO Keyword Research Service
[Targeted Easy-to-Rank Keyword Analysis]

At Contentivo, both new and established brands get to benefit from our SEO keyword research service, which will bring you to the digital frontline and help you stay there.

For new brands, we make you understand that organic reach is pegged to how well you target your potential customers search intent through keywords.

For established brands, our service will delve deep into your setup to identify emerging trends, expand your keyword portfolio, and provide actionable recommendations.

When you work with us, you won’t have to worry about the ever-changing and competitive digital landscape because we will be one step ahead.

Keyword Research Service: Benefits of Outsourcing


Access to Expertise and Specialized Tools

As a full-service digital marketing and design agency, we have expert access to various keyword research tools. This is because no single tool has all the essentials needed to conduct holistic keyword research and analysis.

Each keyword metric we analyze is best served by a particular tool; therefore, a combination of two or more tools is needed. The monthly costs and learning requirements of such a setup can be unfavorable, especially for small businesses.

Comprehensive and Unbiased Analysis

An outside opinion from an expert may uncover insights a business may have overlooked, undermined, and/or overestimated.

Internal assumptions and comfort may result in missing out on keyword opportunities from related trends, seasonal patterns, and the changing perceptions of your target demographic.

Also, today’s search won’t be the same as tomorrow's, as the value of a keyword may change to become more valuable or worthless, requiring an objective assessment of the keyword’s potential.

Enhanced Keyword Strategy and Targeting

We not only provide keyword research services but also give you recommendations that ensure your content strategy and marketing efforts are optimized for maximum impact.

By identifying and targeting relevant keywords, your business will attract qualified traffic.

When you combine targeted keywords with on-page optimization and an orderly site structure, your organic SEO success will be halfway to the promised land of SERP dominance. You can then concentrate your efforts on off-page methods to bridge the remaining gap.

Real Estate
Fitness & Nutrition
Legal/Law Firms

Methodology: How We Select and Analyze Keywords


Setting Objectives and Goals in Our Keyword Research Service

Clear business objectives and goals make it easy to develop an effective keyword research strategy. When the user intent (language, preferences, and search behavior of your target audience) and your business goals mesh together, it becomes easy for search engines to present your offerings as the best choice.

There are four keyword types we analyze: informational, commercial, transactional, and local. The last three are favored since they have the highest potential to convert into revenue. However, if you want to be a topical authority, you should have a balanced content strategy by incorporating all the keyword types in a sensible ratio. A topical authority brand is considered a credible source of information for whichever industry or niche it is found in.

Also, when you become a topical authority, you introduce navigational keywords that are brand-specific.

Creating a Seed Keyword List and Developing Keyword Themes and Clusters

A keyword campaign for a new brand requires one to formulate a set of broad, relevant keywords related to the business. This is a shallow process that can be done through brainstorming or using Google Keyword Planner.

Once we have a seed keyword list, more research will make the list more focused so that we end up with a targeted combination of broad, phrase, and exact match keywords. Many webmasters, including us, swear by keyword variations and semantically related (LSI) keywords. Long-tail keywords go deep into the intent of users, even with low volumes.

These keywords are then prioritized and grouped into structured themes and clusters. This orderly segmentation helps with website architecture, internal linking, and the overall user experience.

Evaluating Keyword Metrics

Below are the metrics that give value, either through potential profitability or brand awareness, to a keyword.  

  • Search Volume: Search volume shows the popularity of a keyword to determine if it is a worthy pursuit. For beginners, creating a brand may require you to target low volumes that may be easy to rank. A low-volume keyword with a high CPC (cost per click) can be profitable, especially when compounded. CPC is the average cost advertisers are willing to pay for a click on their ads related to the keyword.
  • Keyword Competition: What is the intent of the chosen keyword, and how difficult is it to rank with respect to other websites with strong/weak backlink profiles, strong/weak on-page configurations, and strong/weak page and domain authority.

Keyword Difficulty (KD) and Competitiveness

Keyword difficulty refers to the level of competition a keyword has in organic search results.

In all keyword research tools of note, KD is a percentage between 0 (easy) to 100 (difficult). The ease with which your website will broach any difficulty depends on the authoritativeness of your domain.

KD can be difficult to evaluate since different tools provide different percentages for every keyword. A work around involves using one particular tool and testing its KD metrics by yourself to determine how true that KD is in relation to the effort to rank.

Our Keyword Research Process Pertaining to Your Website



The key word in SEO is optimization, and that is what keyword research is all about. Prior to keywords, content creation was objective and centered around guessing what people wanted. Now, keywords are targeted for relevancy to a brand’s audience and business goals. Keyword research is a science; that is, it can be analyzed and a solution or pattern extracted from it, making it an integral part of SEO.

Keyword research doesn’t follow one optimal path. This is because it involves data sets that are constantly changing (trends, seasons, demand, etc.). The most important thing is to know the intent of your audience and tailor it to what your brand is offering, and the rest will fall into place. It also helps to learn about a few keyword research tools and experiment with them to get the best setup.

Keyword research is not a do-it-once-and-forget thing. It’s a process that should be done regularly, the same way Google updates its algorithms. It involves researching new keywords and checking the progress of those you rank for. It is influenced first by competition and generally by business growth, changes in goals and strategies, and shifts in perception. Our keyword research service will recommend an optimized program after we audit your business.

This depends on a number of factors because our keyword research service is twofold. First, we cater to new businesses that need targeted keywords to help them launch, and then we cater to established brands that need their keyword profiles analyzed. The breakdown of our charges can be found here (LINK). We also offer consultation and recommendations for your content strategy based on these keywords. 

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