Expert On-Page Seo Services

Optimize your Website for Success

Our on-page SEO services will make Google and other search engines fall in love with the flow and structure of your website. 

Your users will appreciate your efforts that target their intent and reward you for satisfying their needs. 

Your competitors will underestimate you at first only to realize their true rival is a partner that has your best interests at heart. An agency that doesn’t give up because we believe that if you have chosen us, you are not only interested but fully committed to the success of your endeavor. 

What an on-page SEO expert will do for you.

At Contentivo, our expert on-page SEO services set us apart by providing-

Insightful Knowledge

On-page optimization contains trends, algorithms and best practices which can be time-consuming to learn and keep up.

Targeted Keyword Optimization​

On-page optimization goes hand in hand with keyword research and analysis to strategically place keywords in your content in a way that best showcases the intent and increases your chances of converting users into customers.

Technical Optimization​

Technical aspects like website speed, mobile responsiveness, crawlability, URL structures, internal linking, and structured data such as schema markup are just but a few of the elements under the on-page SEO umbrella you may require an expert to oversee.


An on-page SEO expert has in their arsenal tools that will audit your website and help pin point areas to improve. Such tools (Semrush, Screaming Frog, etc.,) may have a steep monthly subscription or a learning curve that might not be in your best interest.

Stay Ahead of Competition​

If you outsource your on-page SEO services you definitely will be ahead in the race by doubling your efforts in other growth endeavors. You can now get more time to work on your lead generation, off-page optimization, PPC marketing, social media outreach, and other ways to widen the competitive gap.

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Key Elements of our On-Page SEO Services

Included here, without going into much detail, are 11 key elements of our on-page SEO services. Incorporating these elements into your website’s on-page SEO strategy will elevate your online presence and bring you closer to your goal of ranking in the SERPs.  

On-Page Content Optimization Services

As part of our on-site SEO services, our content optimization services will evaluate if the pages and posts on your website are well-structured, orderly, and targeted.

Is your content of good quality, relevant, and visible—based on metrics that we will discuss further—and are the pages and posts performing as intended?

We first begin the evaluation with your website’s pillar content (this is the comprehensive, in-depth, and authoritative content that serves as the main resource for your website, such as the service pages and main categories), down to the supporting pages.

A well-done on-page content optimization service should result in improved search engine rankings, increased organic traffic, and an enhanced user experience.

Meta Description, Meta Tag, and Title Tag Optimization Services

A user will interact with a website if their search intent is satisfied by the information provided in the meta description and title tag of your website.

It is now easy to create these meta-data sets using AI tools such as ChatGPT. However, caution should be taken by ensuring that this information matches precisely to your web content, or your CTR (click-through rate) will suffer.

Your target keywords should be present near the beginning of your title and description, and the length should be within Google’s margins.

Meta tags such as canonical tags, meta robots, and viewport tags will further optimize your visibility.

Image Alt Text Optimization

Images enhance a website’s user experience by providing information in a graphical manner that is easy to digest as a user scrolls down.

In industries such as e-commerce, images and words are closely integrated.

Defining images with alt tags or text serves two purposes: it provides accessibility to people who are visually impaired and gives context to search engines.

The proper way to provide alt tags is to be descriptive, specific, and concise. Relevant keywords should be used sparingly to provide the necessary context (avoid keyword stuffing). The images and their alt text should align with the overall topic; therefore, purely decorative images should be left blank.

HTML Headers Optimization

HTML headers provide a chain of command on a webpage.

Each page begins with a main title that should be enclosed in a single H1 tag. Other headers (subheadings) in your webpage will then assume the other tags depending on importance, from H2 to H6.

For example, there can be a number of H2s for every H1, and so forth.

Headers provide context and structure and should therefore incorporate your keywords and be concise and consistent (i.e., assort and accurately summarize the topic discussed in the corresponding sections). 

A table of contents that includes these headers, like the one on this page, can also be provided to help users easily navigate your webpage.

URL Structure Optimization

On many platforms, a good example being WordPress, the URL of a webpage will likely assume the title of the post or page in its entirety. 

For on-site SEO, this should, however, be discouraged since the title may contain stop words like “and”, “the”, or “off” that make the URL long and unfocused. 

The length of a good URL should be within the limits of the main keyword, where any additional words will be redundant. 

A compact URL, only containing the main idea of the webpage, is easily understood by search engines and users. It can also be shared on social sites, emails, and other documents without taking up too much real estate. 

Canonical URLs can be used to show which pages search engines should crawl and index, especially if there is a probability of duplicate content.

Internal Linking Strategies

When done right, internal link building is one of the best on-page SEO strategies that will elevate your website’s standing.

An effective internal linking strategy increases user engagement, especially for topical authority content that thoroughly addresses a topic.

Search engines will efficiently discover and index the pages on your website. This is because it becomes easier to understand the structure and relevance of your content.

The best example of internal linking best practices is Wikipedia, where they make use of contextual linking (natural and relevant linking from the body of your content rather than in the menus and sidebars).

In addition, the anchor texts of their internal links are descriptive; they avoid vagueness (“click here”, “read more”) and accurately describe the destination page.

While Wikipedia has millions of pages, your website’s internal linking should be balanced; too many internal links will make your page look spammy and disorderly.

Also, a regular audit and update of internal links is required as your website grows.

Schema Markup

Schema markup helps on-site SEO by providing search engines with additional information about your content, thereby enhancing visibility.

Users will also decide if they will engage with your website or move on to the next one just from the SERPs.

Schema markup is provided through rich snippets, knowledge panels, and other enhanced features that provide structured data such as star ratings, reviews, pricing, availability, phone numbers, social profiles, breadcrumbs, and many more.

Schema markup optimization involves four processes:

  • the identification of the relevant schema types for your industry or niche; 
  • understanding how the different content types in your website will be marked up; 
  • implementing schema markup code manually through HTML or automating this process by using plugins and other tools; and
  • testing the structured data using tools such as Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool or’s validator.

Similar to internal linking, regularly monitor your website’s schema markup to ensure it remains up-to-date and accurate.

Featured snippet Optimization Service

An excellent content strategy for on-page SEO is creating content that has what it takes to be featured in a snippet. This is because relevant snippets that provide immediate answers to users’ queries appear at the top of the SERPS even when your page is not ranking organically. Best practices for featured snippet optimization include

  • identifying information in your content that answers specific questions or provides step-by-step instructions (“How to”, “What is”, “Best ways to”)
  • content that is well-structured using headings, subheadings, bullet points, tables, lists, and charts that provide concise answers that can be easily extracted and featured in a snippet.

From my experience as a user and a content provider, appearing in a featured snippet will without doubt increase your visibility, authority, and trust.

Your CTR will also improve, and your brand’s awareness will increase.

Analytics Tracking (GA) Management Service

On-page SEO can be an exact science that should provide results if all the optimization principles are followed to the letter.

However, one shouldn’t proceed blindly; for assurance, we always take an extra step and monitor progress through analytics.

Popular analytics platforms, such as Google Analytics, help

  • Track on-page performance: Monitor important on-page metrics such as organic traffic, page views, bounce rates, and conversion rates.
  • Google Event Tracking and Tag Manager: For example, ecommerce events and tags help to track user behavior and processes—from the action of searching for a product to landing on your page and the actual purchase or lack thereof.
  • Content grouping: Categorize your website’s pages into related clusters to understand the individual performance of these groups. Are these groups successful, or are they underperforming?
  • Keyword performance: Identify the keywords in your search queries that are driving the most organic traffic to your website and know where to double down or improve.
  • Help monitor technical issues: At the end of the day, your website should be a place that provides value. Technical issues like page load times, server errors, and mobile usability may hinder user experience and search engine crawling.

On-Page Local SEO Geotagging Service

If your website offers goods and services that are confined to a locale, it makes sense to limit access to people near you.

In a 2022 stat, 76% of people searching on their phones for [businesses] + “near me” visited the business within 24 hours.

For your business to be visible, rank in local search results, and get that lucrative traffic (both physical and online), our on-page local SEO services will optimize your webpages using the following best practices:

  • Geotagging images: Embed geolocation data in the metadata, tags, and file names of your images.
  • NAP consistency: Your business Name, Address, and Phone number (NAP) should be consistent in all places you have a web presence.
  • Local keywords in the titles and meta tags of your local content: Incorporate location-specific keywords naturally into your page titles, meta descriptions, and headers.
  • Multi-location SEO and landing pages: For each target location, provide information that will be useful to your local target audience. Such information is not limited to maps, operation hours, and contact details.
  • Google My Business (GMB) Optimization: Claim and optimize your GMB listings by updating accurate NAPs and relevant business information. It would also help if you encouraged your customers to leave reviews.
  • Schema Markup: Local business schema makes it easy for your customers to verify the local usefulness of your services.
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On-Page SEO vs. Off-Page SEO

As depicted in this post, on-page SEO is the foundation of every web page. It involves preparing your website for users and search engines using a number of tried and tested standards. 

Once you get it right, and you should because it is under your control, you should be confident that off-page SEO strategies will boost your efforts by significantly increasing your probability of organically ranking.

Off-page SEO is always defined as “factors outside your website’s direct control.” It encompasses activities such as link building, guest posting, influencer marketing, social media marketing (SMM), reputation management, and brand mentions. Newer websites normally do not have authority or trust, and they require outside affirmations to gain credibility. By having people or websites associate with you by linking directly to you, they vouch that you are indeed a source of value, and Google rewards you by ranking your business in the SERPs.


On-page SEO, especially for newer websites with lower Domain authority, is a must-have configuration. For competitive keywords, the quality of your optimizations will help you rank with the help of a few off-page inputs. If the keyword difficulty is low, you may only need a good on-page SEO strategy together with insightful content to rank. Positive results in your search rankings and organic traffic will be noticeable in a few weeks to several months.

Popular platforms contain plugins with extensive documentation that will help with on-page SEO. Therefore, doing it by yourself is doable but can be time-consuming since the plugins are not plug-and-play. An on-page SEO expert will ensure the implementation of best practices, help analyze if the optimizations are working as intended, and adjust appropriately.

SEO is not a do-it-once and live happily ever after kind of thing. It is a process that has to be monitored and updated as time goes on (information becomes stale). As you add to your content, you will also need to continuously work on your internal linking and include new types of schema and snippets. You should also consider the fact that your competitor is working equally as hard.

Different webmasters use different tools. This depends on the platform that was used to build a website and other universal considerations. For us at Contentivo, we make use of Rank Math in our WordPress and Shopify jobs; Screaming Frog for all other websites; SEMrush for overview, audits, and visibility; Google Analytics; and other specialized methods that work for different niches. To keep up with industry trends, we constantly reference Google updates, authority SEO blogs, forums, and online communities.

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